Review: Tie Me Down by Tracy Wolff

3 stars
He was a magician, she decided as she allowed herself to sink into Cole. A sorcerer who could seize control of her body, make it do whatever he wanted.
Well, this book had a lot of sex. No really. It had A LOT of sex. I am not usually one to complain about something like this. I do love me my smutty smut. BUT I need a little plot to go along with it. And in this book, the plot was pretty much lost within the never ending sex. I swear, Cole had an energizer dick. It just kept going, and going, and going.
This had all the makings for a fantastic read, a suspenseful plot, great characters, but unfortunately it just fell flat. If you're looking for a steamy read, look no further. This book was HOT. The sex scenes were incredibly erotic, and VERY frequent. If I was to rate this on the sex alone, hell it would have been 5 stars, easily. But I read so much erotic romance, that I expect a little bit more substance in my books to make them stand out.Relationship development? Nope! Just sex.
Conversations between the two characters that allow them to learn about one another? Nope! Just sex.
An argument arises between them. Do they communicate to resolve it? Hell no! They have sex!
I like steamy books. Oh who am I kidding? I love them! But I also like to feel a certain level of sexual tension between the characters. A connection that goes beyond just a physical joining. There was none in this book. These two go at it within the first minute of meeting each other. At the 30% mark my interest was pretty much gone.
Then there was Cole's newly acquired Dom penchant. Basically I'm expected to believe that a man in his 30s that has had zero experience with D/s, all of a sudden develops an uncontrollable urge to dominate and control Genevieve because the sex between them is THAT hot.
So he goes to a sex store, picks up supplies, and VOILA, he's an expert in Shibari just a few days later.
What? Did he google it? Watch a youtube tutorial?
Right then. Moving on.
The suspense part of the book could have been good. Unfortunately I figured out who the bad guy was pretty early on. So the ending was a bit anticlimactic for me.
The other part that bothered me?
As for my rating?
I'd give 5 stars for the sex, and 2 stars to the actual story. So let's just make that 3 stars for the whole package. This was my first book by Tracy Wolff, and I enjoyed the author's writing style so I plan to try another book by her. This book wasn't bad, it just wasn't a 5 star read for me.
ARC courtesy of publisher VIA Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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